Home Health Expert Tips For Touching Up Your Hair Roots At Home

Expert Tips For Touching Up Your Hair Roots At Home

by Lincoln Les

If you’re looking for some tips on hair root touch up at home, read this article. Here, we’ll share our favorite techniques. Mineral powder looks very different from a dye or spray, and Jennifer Lopez swears by it for touch ups at the roots. Townsend also likes mineral powder for hairline spots. And don’t worry if you don’t have a mirror – you can still get a great-looking finish with just a few simple tools.

Using a root touch-up spray

If you want to achieve that salon look at home, you can try a root touch-up spray. This product is easy to use and can cover large areas of hair quickly. It also tints sparse scalp areas, making hair look fuller. It dries quickly, staying waterproof and transfer-proof until your hair is washed. Rita Hazan, a celebrity colorist and founder of a hair care line, recommends that you hold the can six to eight inches away from the head and spray continuously.

Using a concealer powder

There are many products available for covering grays and touching up your hair roots at home, and each one offers different benefits. Root concealing powders are a great way to hide the roots of your hair between coloring sessions and help extend the time between colorings. Spray on formulas are the most common choice, but gel and powder formulas are also available. Powder formulas are easier to apply than spray, and you can control the amount of product that goes on your roots. However, they may not be suitable for people with significant regrowth.

Using a cream or balm

While the idea of using a powder or spray to conceal roots might not be very appetizing, the reality is that you can cover up your grays with a cream or balm. Mineral powder is one option, which doesn’t look like a dye or spray. In fact, Jennifer Lopez swears by this product to cover up hair roots and grays. Another option is using a spray, which fights off greasiness like dry shampoo and works quickly.

Using a creme formula

Using a creme formula for touching your hair roots is an effective way to conceal pesky roots between salon visits. This versatile product requires minimal blending and is long-lasting, so you can get a full day’s worth of coverage without the need to re-color your hair every day. Best of all, this product is a wash-out so you don’t have to worry about your roots re-growing out in the future.

Using a color activating lotion

Using a color activating lotion to make a simple hair dye touch up at home is an easy way to add a pop of color to your locks. Using a tube or liquid color, you can mix the color and apply it to the roots of your hair. Before using the product, you should do a test on a small area of your scalp. After mixing the color, do not wash the affected area for 48 hours. If you are not satisfied with the color, simply use a baby wipe to remove the excess.

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